Does your Thyroid functioning affect your memory?

The thyroid glands, which are located in your neck, produce hormones that regulate growth and development. But, if it is not functioning correctly, it may cause many problems such as extreme fatigue, weight gain or loss, rapid heartbeat, and hair loss. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are associated with thyroid problems that can cause cognitive problems such as showing symptoms of mild dementia.
What is Dementia? Does hyper/hypothyroidism cause it?
Dementia is a condition which means deterioration in memory and other cognitive abilities that are needed to perform day to day activities. Often, a person who is affected by dementia exhibits the following symptoms.
- Memory impairment
- Impaired reasoning and judgment
- Impairment of communication and language
- Altered visual perception
- Inability to focus or pay attention
Abnormalities can sometimes cause mild dementia which can be resolved with proper treatment of thyroid. A person with hyperthyroidism which is also known as Graves' disease commonly exhibits poor concentration, slower reaction times, decreased visual processing and spatial organization skills. Several researchers have questioned whether hyperthyroidism has increased the risk of dementia to develop.
For many people, brain fog is seen as a fleeting symptom. Both clinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have long been recognized as potential causes of cognitive impairment and the TSH, or Thyroid-stimulating hormone has become a standard screening test for the evaluation of patients with suspected dementia. Thyroid dysfunction has emerged to be one of the possible risk factors for the development of irreversible dementia, with several studies implicating both hypos as well as hyperthyroidism
When hypothyroidism is diagnosed and treated, metabolic processes may normalize, and you may not have any issues with bad memory or other symptoms that hypothyroidism can cause. But if you do not take proper medication and continue to have low thyroid hormone levels, you may end up with severe or persistent hypothyroidism which may cause damage to your body. In addition to weight gain, swelling and vascular changes, the symptoms of hypothyroidism may include cognitive problems.
Cognitive Symptoms in Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid glands fail to produce enough thyroid hormone. Memory problems and difficulty in concentration and verbal memory, in particular, can be affected by hypothyroidism. Studies have also shown a decreased hippocampal volume in adults who come with untreated hypothyroidism. Small changes can be seen in the functioning, and it includes abilities such as planning, impulse control, and making decisions.
Does Thyroid Treatment actually help you out?
Fortunately, there are best treatment options for thyroid in Chennai available for those with thyroid problems. Thyroid hormone levels can be adjusted through the use of oral medications, radioactive iodine or by surgeries. Although the level of effectiveness of treatment concerning significantly older adults is questionable, most research shows that cognitive functions show visible improvement when thyroid disorders are treated.
Get tested for thyroid problems at Dr.Ram's Diabetes & Endocrine Clinic. If diagnosed with any thyroid issue, medication can solve your memory problems and help get you back to your normal self again. We diagnose and treat patients with diseases of the endocrine framework, including diabetes, thyroid, adrenal, bone, pituitary, and metabolic issue.